Episode 26: Army News – Ponytails and The Internet of Things

Eyes Forward; March!
Eyes Forward; March!
Episode 26: Army News - Ponytails and The Internet of Things

Sergeant Bacon is feeling good as he gets back from a little league draft meeting just in time to record a late episode of EFM with his favorite NCO,  Sergeant C’Gar. The Sergeants make a last minute decision to practice a little bit of NCOES 101 by selecting a few Army related articles in the news and have some good old conversation with those topics. In this episode of Army News, which they will do from time to time, the Sergeants discuss the most recent changes to female hair grooming standards and The Internet of Things (IoT). If you have ideas for future topics make sure you hit the Sergeants up. Details are in each episode of Eyes Forward, March!

This episodes Creative Shoutout goes to Video Game Lounge on the Creative Brain Candy Network.

Video Game Lounge

